Know more about one of the most efficient, safe, and effective cancer treatment therapies – Immunotherapy. Before going for Immunotherapy, here’s all you need to know about it.

Immunotherapy is a new class of cancer treatment that has borne astonishing results to date. Also known as Biological Therapy or Biotherapy, it is a new type of cancer treatment that strengthens the body’s immune system to fight against cancer.

How Does Immunotherapy Work Against Cancer?
Immunotherapy For Cancer
In India Can Be Done Either By:-
Terminating or halting the growth of cancer in the body. Preventing the cancer cells from penetrating into other parts of the body. Enhancing and strengthening the patient’s immune system.
Which Cancers Are Treated With
Immunotherapy can be used to treat multiple types of cancer but its success rate in cases of breast cancer is quite significant as past studies have shown that breast cancer is immunogenic. Also, previous immune strategies have led to survival benefits suggesting Immunotherapy for breast cancer plays a role.
Apart from this, different forms of immunotherapies are being used to treat different kinds of cancer. Some forms of cancer which are treated with immunotherapy are:
Breast Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Lung Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Brain Cancer
Large B-cell Lymphomas
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
What are the types of Immunotherapy? And what is the process of Treating Cancer with it?
There are several types of Immunotherapies:
- Monoclonal Antibodies (Passive immunotherapies)
- Non-Specific Immunotherapies
- Cancer Vaccines (Active specific immunotherapies)
Either single or two or more of these immunotherapies are used together depending on the needs of the patient.
Monoclonal Antibodies
Monoclonal antibodies are based on the working principle of the human immune system (produce antibodies when the body is infected by external bodies like bacteria, fungi, etc). These types of antibodies are prepared artificially and are inserted into the body intravenously (through the veins). They work either by:
- Targeting specific harmful proteins on the surface of cancer cells which are sometimes deserted by the immune cells and thereby helping the immune system recognize and destroy the cancer cells.
- Or they help block the cancer growth factor receptors (receptors that help in the growth of the cells).
- Also, monoclonal antibodies that carry radioactive particles help diagnose certain types of cancers like colorectal, ovarian, and prostate cancer with the help of special cameras.
- Some antibodies carry immunotherapy drugs directly to cancer cells and destroy them by attaching to them
Non-Specific Immunotherapies
They are usually given in chorus with other traditional treatments like Chemotherapy. It is done either by using laboratory-prepared Interferons which slow down the growth of cancer cells or by using Interleukins which destroy the cancer cells.
Cancer Vaccines
They expose the immune system to a protein that makes the immune system to distinguish and destroy the cancer-causing cells. It can be done either by using Preventive vaccines which are given to prevent a person from the viruses like Human papillomavirus (HPV) that prevent cervical cancer or by treatment vaccine trains the immune system to fight against the cancer.
Cancer vaccines are considered active immunotherapies because the substances that are injected into the patient are meant to trigger an active response by the patient’s own immune system. These vaccines cause the immune system to produce antibodies against antigens and/or to produce cytotoxic T lymphocytes to attack cancer cells that have those antigens. Vaccines may also be combined with non-specific immunotherapy using additional substances or cells called ‘Adjuvants’ to boost the immune response.
In a nutshell, Immunotherapy is a personalised treatment of cancer and will vary from patient to patient. Via immunotherapy, the body’s own defence mechanism is enhanced to combat and destroy the cancer cells. Cancer specialists dealing in the arena of immunology cancer treatment have said that Immunotherapy has proved to be a breakthrough treatment where the outcomes have been great. In this form of treatment, cells or natural substances by the own body are restored in the laboratory to improve the functioning of the immune system.
How Does Immunotherapy Work Against Cancer?
Immunotherapy For Cancer
In India Can Be Done Either By:-
Terminating or halting the growth of cancer in the body.
Preventing the cancer cells from penetrating into other parts of the
body. Enhancing and strengthening the patient’s immune system.
Which Cancers Are Treated With
Immunotherapy can be used to treat multiple types of cancer but its
success rate in cases of breast cancer is quite significant as past
studies have shown that breast cancer is immunogenic. Also, previous
immune strategies have led to survival benefits suggesting
Immunotherapy for breast cancer plays a role.

Apart from this, different forms of immunotherapies are being used to treat different kinds of cancer. Some forms of cancer which are treated with immunotherapy are:
Breast Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Lung Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Brain Cancer
Large B-cell Lymphomas
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Are There Any
Side Effects
Of Immunotherapy?

Are There Any
Side Effects
Of Immunotherapy?
The first and foremost reason is that the nature of these treatments is based on destroying cancer cells by burning them (radiation), poisoning them (chemo), and removing them (surgery). While these treatments are efficient in killing cancer cells, these treatments are restricted because large numbers of normal cells are also destroyed.
Prolonged treatment via these methods will also lead to life-altering side effects. Immunotherapy, on the other hand, is not toxic and works on the basic idea of boosting the immune system.

The first and foremost reason is that the nature of these treatments is based on destroying
cancer cells by burning them (radiation), poisoning them (chemo), and removing them (surgery).
While these treatments are efficient in killing cancer cells, these treatments are restricted because large numbers of normal cells are also destroyed.
Prolonged treatment via these methods will also lead to life-altering side effects. Immunotherapy,
on the other hand, is not toxic and works on the basic idea of boosting the immune system.

What Are The Benefits Of Immunotherapy?
A few of the major benefits of Immunotherapy over other cancer healing methods include:
One of the only methods of treating cancer without side effects like hair loss, infections, pain, vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea, weight loss, etc. Normal cells are not affected or destroyed during the treatment. No damage to the taste buds and avoids conditions like Osteoradionecrosis (bone death). Cancer treatment in India is available for all four stages of different types of cancer including pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, melanoma, etc. The cost of the therapy in India is affordable.

Immunotherapies may be given in the following forms:
Intravenously (directly into a vein)
Topically (creams or ointments)
Via injections, either subcutaneously (under the skin) or intramuscularly (into a muscle)
Directly into a particular body cavity to treat a specific cancer tumour site
Immunotherapy can operate as a standalone means of cancer treatment, or it can be combined with other cancer remedies.
How to tell if Immunotherapy is Working?
Cancer treatment via chemotherapy or radiation often causes a drastic change in the size of cancerous tumours, which is measurable and can be monitored through CT/MRI/Pet Scan and changes in cancer cell marker levels in the blood.
However, a patient’s response to Immunotherapy cannot be measured in the same way. Immunotherapy methods can take more time to effectively work as they encourage the patient’s own immune system to attack the cancerous tumour. Thus, the tumour may continue to grow, despite the fact that immunotherapy is being delivered.
At what speed does Immunotherapy actually work?
The speed of response may vary according to the type of immunotherapy being administered. While receiving immunotherapy, the healthcare team will monitor your disease status and any adverse side effects throughout the course of the treatment, though it may take weeks for a measurable response from your immune system.
Why Choose Cancer Healer Center?
Cancer Healer Center acknowledges the critical nature of you or your loved one’s state of illness and thus provides everything that is needed to treat that illness with skill and expertise. In addition to this, it also understands the importance of emotionally-driven factors that can influence the ailing patient. To cater to these underlying issues that come with the illness, the Center ensures you get the best quality of life regardless of the stage of cancer’s progression.
If you are searching for a viable cancer treatment at an affordable cost, in the best cancer hospital in India or anywhere else, then you may want a care center that is near your home or your loved one’s home. Otherwise, the long commute itself can lead to discomfort, stress, and pain, especially if you or your loved one is surrounded and is already in an ailing state.
Dr. Krishna’s Cancer Healer Center is amongst the best hospitals in India for cancer treatment, and it is situated in many convenient locations. So if you are looking for the best cancer hospitals in Mumbai, Delhi, or any other main city in India, you can find out centers for superior cancer treatment.
Following are the reasons, which have made Cancer Healer Center a renowned institution for cancer treatment:
Patient Care
At Cancer Healer Center, our primary focus is to treat numerous forms of cancer with high-quality cancer care. Our strategy for treating cancer follows Early stage cancer diagnosis, innovative cancer treatment, patient rehabilitation, and palliative care, all established on a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach.
Our cancer specialists have unprecedented expertise in detecting and treating all types of cancer. Some of them are Breast cancer, mouth cancer, colorectal cancer, and more. Our cancer treatment uses the latest technology, innovative therapies, and advanced palliative care, making us stand amongst some of the best cancer hospitals in India.
We follow a unified approach to curing cancer, which includes teams of qualified cancer doctors and medical professionals who work together to guide each and every patient of ours through diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.
High-Quality Treatment
Cancer Healer Center believes in providing timely, efficient, safe, affordable, and proven medical care to cancer patients. Our cancer care center continuously invests in new technologies, which have shown remarkable improvements in terms of cancer diagnosis and treatment, all the while ensuring that our patients have access to the best medical care in our cancer hospitals.
Under the guidance of Dr. Tarang Krishna, an internationally recognised cancer doctor, Cancer Healer Center commits to offering individual attention to your particular condition and helping you make a well-informed decision, which will ultimately lead you to a path of quick recovery.
Immunotherapy: The New Age Treatment
Immunotherapy is a type of treatment that helps your healthy cells and immune system fight cancer. It stimulates the disease-fighting mechanisms within the patient’s body to fight the disease. It is a novel approach with no side effects that works well in cases where other types of treatment such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy won’t.
The cancer center believes in the quality and longevity of life and believes that immunotherapy can provide the same. The center’s immunology cancer treatment strives for a future with a long and healthy life, not living in the shadows of cancer, but providing light. The center’s impeccable and non-profitable cancer treatment in India has helped cancer patients live a more wholesome, rewarding, and fulfilling life.
Best Cancer Doctors In India
Dr. Tarang Krishna, along with his team of doctors, is dedicated to providing the best help to every cancer patient through advanced medicine and immunotherapy drugs. He ensures that he is available to all of his patients, and continuously works towards offering the best cancer treatment to each and every one of them.
Dr. Tarang Krishna along with other cancer specialists have developed holistic strategies to prevent and cure cancer with a patient-centric treatment in a warm and supportive environment.
Having treated thousands of patients successfully, Cancer Healer Center has set a benchmark amongst the best hospitals in India, for cancer treatment. Especially, when it comes to offering exceptional amenities, high-quality treatment, patient satisfaction, and combating cancer without inflicting any harm to the patient’s body.
Following the immeasurable success of Cancer Healer Center, thousands of national and international patients from numerous countries come to India, to get the best cancer care possible.
Cancer Healer Center’s mission is to improve the overall quality of life for cancer patients and their families by providing the best cancer treatment in India. The Center’s unique approach to cancer treatment is undertaken by advancing the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, cure, and prevention of the disease.